Creating Connections During COVID

March 25, 2020

Storytelling creates connections, unleashes creativity and is critical during these challenging COVID times.  


Stories have been an essential driver of change throughout human history.  There are remarkable benefits of sharing your story. Emotional, autobiographical storytelling can be a path to truly owning your story.  It can also lead to more cohesive teams and stronger organizational performance.

A well-known benefit of storytelling is finding your own voice.  What does it mean to find your voice? It means learning how to express yourself and learning how to think about what has happened in your life in a way that makes sense.  Further, by ‘giving it away’ you can use your own journey to help others on theirs. Helen Keller was the first blind and deaf person to learn how to read, write and speak.  She used her story to help fight for more opportunities for people with disabilities.


Will you join me in my quest to create a space to share our experiences during this time?  Have a story to share? A poem that you wrote. Maybe you wrote a new song or painted a picture.  I’m not looking for perfection, I’m looking for humanity and vulnerability. 

Everyone has a story to tell about their COVID quarantine experience.  Sharing our stories connects us with each other. Your story might be funny or sad, it doesn’t matter, whatever you are experiencing needs to be shared.   Please use the “comments” feature and/or email your content to me @


~ Robyn



Breathing for Energy


What’s Your Story?